Royal Chancellery – Valladolid

The archive of the Royal Chancellery of Valladolid is a building belonging to the Ministry of Culture that stores 17 linear kilometres of judicial documentation encompassing the years between 1371 and 1834.
It occupies a total of 6,665 square metres of built surface and consists of a main building housing the different services of the Archive and a seven-storey building used exclusively as a documentary depot.
For Imtech, the remodelling of this building consisted of executing the HVAC, gas, regulation and control installations.
This historic building has two differentiated parts: the depot and the archive area.
The archive area is treated by means of a four-tube fancoil system with air conditioners for the primary air in the offices and with exclusive air conditioners for the exhibition rooms and events hall.
The depot area, which is used exclusively for storing the documentary collection, has a tempering system consisting of a network of conduits and grilles fed by an air conditioner.
Energy production is common to both areas: gas boilers and air-condensed coolers respectively.